Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Goodbye August.

My birth month.

Another year older, and still in search of this.

The Honeymoon is Over.

I have been raw and mostly fruitarian for almost 3 years. This lifestyle has brought me much health and happiness, and a way of seeing life that I had only imagined before.

I have gone through many different experiments trying to find the best way for me, and ultimately for everyone, if that is possible. I was just doing what I thought was best at the time. I wish health and happiness for everyone.

There have been its ups and downs though. Due to many days of eating little and fasting throughout the past year, I have felt the onset of deficiencies, lack of energy, depression, and further teeth and bone problems, as well as a spacey mental feeling. So while cooked diets have their cancers, diabetes, and other issues, raw diets can have their problems too if it's not done right. With so many different diets out there, it is hard to know what "the right way" is.

I still believe in the raw diet 100% and I want it to work for me long-term. The more the world changes, the more the raw vegan diet makes sense for us, the animals, and the planet. I just have to be smart about it from now on.

So I do vow to eat better in my raw diet and be smarter from now on.

Every day now includes greens in a green juice or green smoothie, as well as the occasional vegetable juice, and a variety of fruits. A few avocadoes each month, not each day. No nuts or seeds. Trying to eat more sweet fruit, more calories, and adding bananas or dates helps. Paying attention to ratios. Also supplementing B12.

I feel so much better now. I can finally breathe again and awake refreshed. I feel that euphoric and vibrant way I felt when I first started raw. Where I want to smile at everyone and love the world so much.

I just don't want all my health, happiness and identity to depend on being raw. I don't want to obsess. I just want to be me.

Breakfast - Cucumber-celery juice, 1 honeydew, 1 canteloupe
Lunch - Green Smoothie (6 bananas blended with the juice of 1/2 head of celery and 1 bunch of kale)
Snacks - 1 honeydew melon, 2 peaches, cherry tomatoes and okra

Giant peach from the farmer's market

Wednesday, August 18, 2010


Everything and everyone is so unique and has their own special gifts and lessons, their own kind of intelligence and creativity to bring to the world. Each has their contribution. Cherish everyone and everything, and give thanks for every blessing. It's all happening and happening so perfectly and beautifully all around us and within us in every moment.

Words can't express how I really feel lately. Sometimes it's our best thoughts that just can't be put into words - that would only restrain them.

Love is everywhere.

Breakfast: Carrot-red pepper juice, 1 pineapple, few bites of a local watermelon
Lunch: 1 honeydew melon, 15 dates blended with water
Dinner: Green smoothie (10 bananas blended with juice from 1 bunch of collard greens and 1 head of celery)

Saturday, August 14, 2010

Favorite Green Juice.

This delicious and refreshing green juice is a daily drink of mine. It is extremely alkaline and nutritious and makes a great breakfast drink to start the day.

Celery-cucumber-cilantro-lemon Juice

2 heads of celery
1 cucumber, peeled
1 bunch cilantro, leaves and stems
1 lemon

Put celery, cucumber, and cilantro through the juicer (I use Breville Juice Fountain). Run the cilantro through with the celery stalks in order to extract its juice and flavour. After all is juiced, squeeze in 1/2 to a whole lemon, to taste, and stir together.

This juice is high in essential nutrients including the minerals sodium, calcium and silica, which are essential for strong bones and teeth as well as healthy skin and hair. These minerals are not easily found in the raw vegan diet, but are abundant in this green juice. Cilantro leaves are rich in calcium, iron, carotenes, and vitamin C, which it happens are great antioxidants. The lemon combines with the calcium to form calcium citrate, which is easily absorbed by the body. Vitamin D from the sun will complement the nutrients in this juice nicely.

Drink up and enjoy.